Pi Emporium Terms Of Service


Our shop features strictly the sales of digital or virtual products and assets so shipping is handled digitally in the form of email delivery but mainly would consist of downloads, access to password protected content or authorization via your user account.

All products must be purchased using the our built in wallet so you would either have to deposit the amount of Pi required to make the purchase or buy Pi via our “Buy Pi” PayPal portal. In the future we will look at possibly integrating the Pi App for direct payments and other payment gateways.

The Pi Emporium reserves the right to ban any user not complying with our terms of service and terminate any services associated with their account at any time.


If you are unhappy with any product or service, to be eligible for a refund, you must create a support ticket within 24 hours of of purchase.

Valid reasons for refunds claims include:

  1. Product access or download not recieved.
  2. Digital product not working or not the same as presented in product listing.

Once your support ticket is received our team will send you an email to notify you that we have received your report and begin the dispute evaluation procedure. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund once analysis has been completed. This process shouldn’t take longer than 12 hours once initiated.

If your claim is found to be valid and has been approved, your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your wallet,

If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please do contact us again.

Product Sales Listings

First and foremost, any user found implementing any type of scam or performing any sort of illegal activity will have their account deleted & IP blocked without notice.

There will be a hold of 48 hours before any sales revenue is credited to your wallet. This hold will only be enforced on accounts less than one year old or which have not yet met the minimum sales threshold requirements.

There is no charge assosiated with creating a product listing in our store, nor is there a limit to the number of prodcts you may list. We do not however permit duplicate listings and whether or not your product gets published is solely at the descretion and desernment of The Pi Emporium’s product review team.

You must include a 5% sales tax in your sales price as we are tax registered and this is the current tax rate we are forced to pay for all sales which take place in our store.

For subscription sales, if you can not facilitate this yourself, we’ll happily create the respected subscription on our site for you which will keep track of the a user’s subcription status and services assosiated with the subscription. We will also notify you and the user when their subsciption is about to expire and has concluded as well as provide an option to renew the subscription.

Here is a list of permitted products you may sell in our store

  1. Images
  2. GIFS
  3. Videos
  4. NFT
  5. Software Downloads
  6. Subcriptions
  7. Website or Webpage Access
  8. E-books
  9. Games
  10. Gaming Accounts
  11. Digital Assets
  12. Vouchers
  13. Gift Cards
  14. Apps
  15. Music
  16. Audio Books
  17. Lectures
  18. Recordings
  19. Plugins

Website Hosting

Beware! Any user found using our website hosting service to implement any type of scam or perform any sort of illegal activity will have their account and service teminated without notice.

We guarantee 100% uptime, weekly back ups unless otherwise specified and darkweb protection.

Other features include full access to WordPress & plugins, unlimited bandwidth, 1 GB storege space, email@yourdomain and 1 free subdomain on piemporium.com if you do not provide your own.


Our wallet is setup so as to be 100% secure as we use layered security and lastes firewall software. Any suspisious activity found by our firewall will be promptly reported directly to the appropriate authorities.

Deposits can take up to 24 hours to be processed but are usualy credited within a few minutes.

Your “On Hold” sales revenue balance will be credited within 48 hours of the respected product sale. This is to protect the customers and ensure quality products and service.

The minimum withdrawal from your wallet is currently Pi 5.

There is no withdrawal fee, it is 100% free to send or recieve with the wallet.

The direct internal transfer limit will depend on your account age or level.

Direct internal transfers or 100% free & instant.

Buy Pi

We currently only sell Pi Coins for PayPal USD, the price depends on current market value plus our processing fee which will be included in the price at checkout.

Once purchased there is absolutely no possibility for a reversal or refund as the cost associated with the purchase of the asset is clear at checkout.

Lucky Wheel

The Lucky Pi Wheel is completely free to use and any winnings will be directly credited to your wallet balance.

You may spin the Lucky Pi Wheel twice ever 24 hours.

Need Help?

If you need assistance or more information please feel free to contact us at info@piemporium.com or use the support page.